Thursday, April 12, 2007

Search Engines .. Next Level

As usual just a thought ..

I would personally go for a search engine which would actually listen to my queries, say for example I hear some song, want to know the details, I would just send the clip which would give the result of the searched query (here the clip).

So for doing that.. what all would be required.. (For our comfort we will take only music category)

  1. The will be a universal format for all the files, so the search engine will have a compressed universal file formats.
  2. The separation of the music (audio files) will be based on following categories
    1. Categorize based on Male Singers , Female Singer and other singer.
    2. The various music types will be separated like Rock, Blues, Country etc..
  3. Bunch of servers (or even Data Centers) which has all the songs with the above categories which are released till date. Each file could have two version, base version with only the lyrics, one with music(beats), for easier search. The songs will be indexed
  4. The query will be once again converted and categorized, but the query would be a part of the music file, what more could be done for efficient search.
  5. If the music is original then there is a little ambiguous, or we would end up with multiple results like what we get now.
  6. The music could be converted to Sine waves or a (search engine) patented format which would run a match
where you got the result of the file you search for..

Good right, this is a original idea which I got when waiting for my server to come up.

So if you require to copy any of my ideas.


I will not do anything .. just name the product with my name.

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